Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Welcome Holy Spirit. Preparing your children's heart for Pentecost (craft tutorial included)

Would you say that teaching our Children about God is one of our most (if not the most crucial) responsibilities as parents? I would say so. Many people teach their children about God the Father, about Jesus their Savior, but not many believe in teaching them about the Holy Spirit. I think this is something that we should strive to do, as Jesus Himself said that apart from the Father (also meaning his Holy Spirit), He could do nothing. The Holy Spirit was the one who enabled Jesus to do all the things He did and He is the same Spirit that helps us follow Jesus, it is so very important to teach our children about Him!

Pentecost is coming up this weekend, we have been having services with our Pastor speaking about Him, preparing our hearts to receive Him. But what about our children? we can't leave them behind thinking they will learn somehow on their own, we can't expect the children's Pastor to talk to them about it on Sunday and that that would be enough! it is our responsibility to do so! God told us to. (Deut. 11:18)

I looked and looked online and couldn't find anything I liked put together to teach them, so I came up with something myself and I want to share it with you, so that you will be encouraged to teach your little ones, sow seeds in their hearts, prepare their "land" and watch them bloom.

Craft materials:

1. craft paper, any color you want for the band
2. tape
3. red or orange craft paper for the flame
4. child scissors
5. red marker
6. brushes and paint (optional) or crayons to color inside the flame.

* Before you begin, read Acts chapter 2, the story of Pentecost, explain to them what happened that day, make it interesting, blow wind on them, etc.

* Introduce the memory verse: Acts 1:8
"And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you"
(my boys loved the "power" part:)

1. Cut bands the size of their heads
2. give them extra bands to cut themselves so they feel they are making their own, I do this because my kids are 3 & 5 but if yours are older then they wouldn't need as much help.
3. let them write their name or whatever they want on their bands, they can paint, color them, etc. They can also write Acts 1:8 verse (our memory verse)
4. on orange paper, draw with red marker the flames, you can draw them however you like and cut them out (or they can cut them out)
5. let them color or paint inside the flame and when done, help tape the flame to the band and then tape the band together to the size of their heads and put it on them.
6. while all of this is happening I am talking to them about the Holy Spirit and what all this means. Make sure you repeat the memory verse at the end several times with hand motions, like when it says receive, power, etc. You can even sing a song about the Holy Spirit if you like.

That is it for today, my kids attention span is short, specially my 3 year old boy, 10-15 min and he is done! they both really enjoyed it though. It's simple and easy, doesn't have to be complicated! you are getting the Word in them and that's what matters.

Tomorrow, we will review the story, our memory verse and color this free printable online:


There are so many free printables if you just google "Pentecost coloring" that gives you better results than typing "pentecost printables" for some reason.

There is also a really cute short video on youtube, my boys are visual so they loved this, here is the link:
and here is another that goes along with it:

You can reinforce the memory verse everyday and talk about who the Holy Spirit is and how he works today, when your children encounter teaching about Pentecost on Sunday (or on Shabbat) they will know what's going on and it won't be new, their hearts will be ready and prepared for whenever the Holy Spirit chooses to baptize them or show Himself to them in His own special ways, He longs to be in our children's lives and it is our responsibility to facilitate the encounter. Now, I know not everyone believes in the gift of tongues, but to those who do, make sure you explain to them what this gift means, my sons were so excited to know they can have their own special language given by the Holy Spirit, they are expectant and I know our Precious Lord will baptize them when He knows they are ready, but I am simply preparing their little homes. Our children have heard dad and I pray like this, it's not new to them, they have already asked about it as it sounds different, we believe it is good that they hear us pray in english, spanish and also in our Heavenly language.

I hope this is helpful to you in your journey as you teach your children about the most important person of all. :)

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.

Deut. 11:18-20

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The real battle: Exposing the Hidden Holocaust.

Have you ever thought of all the baby boys and girls that are being aborted in China because of their one child policy? it is true and it is happening right now! I dare say millions of souls are being aborted simply because the enemy has lied to them, also the lie about boys being better for their families, the same is happening now in India, where the ratio of girls vs boys is crazy low, look it up, and it continues to decline drastically, and what's going to happen in 100 years from now? No, I won't go that far, what is happening NOW, is that little girls are being kidnapped by families of boys to preserve them for their sons, because in the future, their sons won't have women to marry! they will begin turning towards each other, and homosexuality has risen in the last decade for the same reason. This is the real battle, friends, gendercide. It's not about who gets who, not about bragging rights, it's about souls, abortion is murder and sin and the enemy loves to steal and destroy souls, if he can destroy them before they are even born, even better, then the possibility of missionaries, Pastors, evangelists and apostles will be cut off, if he can destroy the idea of what family means and why God wants families to grow, then he has also won a battle. If he can destroy women's view of themselves and how valuable they are at home and their calling to motherhood, he has won another battle. Society has everything upside down and we suffer for it. People say "why do they get pregnant then if they know this policy? it's their fault" and I disagree, not every pregnancy is controlled, and murder is murder no matter what. Our innate desire to have children, and more than one child is a God given desire! it comes from Him because he loves children and his enemy hates them, so he is killing them.

Let's speak up for those who cannot. Let us not turn a deaf ear to the suffering of the world, let us be the hands and feet and voice of Jesus.

Please watch:
