Friday, May 16, 2014

Much more than just a body.

Today I watched a clip of this documentary that's being made, it's called "Embrace". The woman who is producing it is asking for financial help so that this film can be made, and I sure hope it does! We need more films like this one:

Did you watch the preview?? :)

Beauty goes so much farther than our bodies...
I don't have daughters, but that doesn't mean my sons aren't watching what I do, what I eat or listen to what I say about myself. I used to talk down to myself all the time, but because of them (and by God's grace), I have changed. I still hear those nagging thoughts in my head sometimes when I'm infront of a mirror, but I have learned to throw them out and instead say something like "I am much more than what I can see, and I am wonderfully and fearfully made by a loving God!" Believe me, it has changed my heart and mind so much by speaking this instead of "ugh, oh man I hate this or that part", I'm certainly not perfect and sometimes I still struggle and have bad days, hormonal days, like every other woman out there ;) but I try my best to stay on top of it and submit my emotions to Christ. 
I am very aware of my flaws, believe me, I am...but I'm also aware of how much I'm loved by God and how He delights in me when He hears me loving myself and not hating what He created with such devotion, sure, we live in a fallen world and experience pain and imperfections, things like genetic diseases and all that, but that's why we are supposed to take care of the temple we have been given for a time and do the best we can on earth with it, I also understand things happen to us that were out of our control that affect our health (but that's another post, getting off track here!) I am aware of my strength and my qualities, I'm aware that this body is only temporary and not eternal, I will be given a new one that won't decay like this one, I'll be given a body that won't be weary or suffer sickness and pain, and most importantly, I'm aware that how I treat myself no longer affects just me, but it greatly affects the little people who watch me all day.
I don't want my sons to see a mom who is worried about what she looks like or about her weight or size, I want them to see a mom who loves herself the way God made her and who is healthy and active because she likes to have fun with them, who feeds them well and eats well herself not because of what she wants to look like but because she wants to be healthy and around with energy because she loves them. I want them to see a woman who loves God and shows beauty in her character because I can only hope that one day they would seek that out in their future wives and not only the outward appearance. 

Today while at the store, my 5 year old saw a little girl walk by and said "that girl is not pretty, mommy" and I knew that was a moment for a lesson on true beauty. I want that for my sons. That is my prayer, that they would see with God's eyes, the one who looks at the heart.  

"People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7

Love your neighbor as you love yourself...
But how can we love others if we hate ourselves? It's simply not possible.

Love yourself, mama. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.



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