Thursday, April 24, 2014

Her name was Destinee.

Today I went to Walmart for some groceries, while I was checking out I noticed the cashier's name was Destinee, so after paying and loading the bags into the cart I say "your name is Destinee, huh? God sure has a destiny for you" her eyes got big and she said "uh, what was that??" She looked surprised and totally not expecting that, so I told her "yes, God says He's got a plan for you, plans not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future. It says it in Jeremiah 29:11" she said "oh wow, thank you, I got goosebumps, thank you! Where is that again?" I said "Jeremiah 29:11, don't forget! Jeremiah 29:11!" She said "oh I won't! I'ma look it up tonight!" 
Her countenance had changed, she was hopeful, she was smiling. 

Sometimes I hesitate so much on throwing out simple words of encouragement like that, sometimes it's prophecy, but isn't prophecy also to encourage and edify? Sure is. 
Believers "prophecy" more often than they realize...and if not, we sure ought to! I hesitate to notice and say simple things like what I told her, but perhaps she really needed to be encouraged today and know that God does have a destiny for her, a purpose and that she's not forgotten. So many of us could use a daily dose of encouragement, right? Be His voice, His feet, His hands, if not, who else? 

We prophecy negative words way too much, specially over ourselves (like "I hate myself, just look at me!") and our future (like "I'm never gonna get a job! I'm not good at anything!) words of worry, anxiety and fear, it needs to become a habit to speak life and not death. What if we started saying things like "I know I'm not perfect, but I'm beautiful to God so I'm gonna love myself too" or "I am good at many things, I can and will get a job!" Or "I will choose not to fear, but I will speak to that giant to move and it will in Jesus' name!" What if that was the ONLY way we could think and speak? How do you think it would affect our lives?! Our thinking, our attitude and even the people around us, how would it affect the people around us if we could only speak positively about other people as well and never judgmentally? 

Being His hands requires knowing and believing your hands can be used. Being his feet requires knowing and believing He wants to send YOU. Being His voice to your generation requires knowing and believing that He wants to speak through you. It requires FAITH, and it's not for the weak, although He is our strength, He commands us to not be afraid so many times, it requires action from our part, not a passive attitude. 

Have Faith to believe He wants to use YOU today to encourage someone else. 

Will you pray with me? 
Lord, I know I am not perfect, but I know you can use me, please cleanse my heart so that I can be used, cleanse my hands so that I can touch the broken hearted, cleanse my life so that I can be the example I long to be everywhere I go for you. Shine through me. Give me the courage and boldness I need to speak into someone's life today, I want to believe. Thank you for believing in me too!  

Here am I, Lord, send me. 

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