Friday, July 4, 2014

Our story to Homeschool. Are you serious, God?! (part 1)

About a year ago when we moved in from a tiny 2 bedroom apt right after our third son was born to the small 3 bedroom 2 floor apt we are now in, I had contemplated making the small bedroom downstairs the baby's nursery, but my husband thought it was a bad idea because we would be waking up and going all the way downstairs for feedings, etc, and I am so glad I listened because I can't imagine having baby that far from me, so we decided to put all 3 boys in one bedroom and it has worked great, the older boys have a bunk bed and baby has his crib, they wake each other up sometimes but it has worked just fine. So then, we had the little bedroom downstairs, what are we going to do with it? of course my husband immediately decided it would be his office, the kids wanted it to be their playroom, it seemed like they all wanted a piece of it! and why not? it became just that, a playroom/office. (story and details of the room makeover with pictures in part 3! :)

A few months after that passed by and knowing my oldest would be finishing preschool at the Institute where my husband works, I began stressing about my son's future education, I wished the preschool would last forever, it had been a huge blessing, they are an advanced school with godly teachers. I looked into all the Kinder schools close by and only felt comfortable with one of them, so I scheduled a tour and my husband and I went, this was around February, by the end of the tour I had convinced myself he would be just fine attending the charter school (public school with a twist, really) so we left there with a false sense of security, my husband felt he would be okay but had always wanted me to homeschool our children, yet I didn't, homeschool? me?! no way! that's for teachers who went to College and got a degree, I felt very inadequate for the task, that's huge, that's my child's future! how was I supposed to give him at home what he had experienced in his beloved preschool?  

A little background, I am a Mexican with America in my heart also, I was born in Mexico and then raised in Texas, I spent the first years of my life in Tx and then my parents moved my sisters and I back to Mexico, I had two cultures always inside of me but I had never heard of such a thing called homeschooling, not until I married my husband who was homeschooled, he told me about his experience but I always in the back of my mind thought "that's great for other families, not me, I wouldn't be able to"

I had this battle within me, I continued to pray about the school we had visited and yet I couldn't find that peace I wanted, God was so very gentle with me in leading me in His will (Isaiah 40:11 "He gently leads those that are with young"),  He took me to this passage in Scripture:

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from WHOM you learned it and how from CHILDHOOD you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you WISE for SALVATION through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for TEACHING, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2nd Timothy 3:14-17) *emphasis mine

Wow, I felt like God had pointed those verses right out to me and given them to me as a task, it was MY job to do this, it was OUR job to not only educate our sons, but to be their main influence in life and in the shaping of their character and faith! He told me that His Word would sustain me, encourage me, not only teach me but help me teach them, He told me that this is what He wanted for my sons, that they might become men of God, complete, equipped for every good work. That late night (I'm a night owl, God knows ;)) I KNEW God Himself was asking me to homeschool and knowing that for sure in my heart, gave me the courage to say yes to my Savior's request, because I know His will and desires are what is best for my whole family. 

That decision made my husband very happy and at peace, we both knew we didn't want our son to be away for 8 hours a day at only 5 years old, we didn’t want teachers with their own philosophies to be investing in him for that long, some of the teachers we met had very different moral values than we did, we wanted to know who his friends were, it wasn't daycare, I was home and had the privilege to be with him and get to know him, so why not?  There are many reasons I can think of why homeschooling is the best fit for OUR family during this time, yet I remind myself to take it one day at a time and to commit to this year, who knows what the next one will bring. For now, I am fully committed and I know by God's grace and mercy, I will be the best teacher my son will ever have, because nobody cares more about his education and character more than we do and I now have the confidence given by God for this task and supernatural peace. 

This is our story on how we ended up making such a big decision and we’re not looking back. On a side note, I understand not every family is called to homeschool and that is okay, it's not about homeschooling families being better than the others who don't, it's about obeying God's call for your family, no family is alike! you must know what the Lord is calling you to do and go for it.

Will you share your story with me? how did God lead you to homeschool your children or did He lead you not to?

leave me a comment. :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Welcome Holy Spirit. Preparing your children's heart for Pentecost (craft tutorial included)

Would you say that teaching our Children about God is one of our most (if not the most crucial) responsibilities as parents? I would say so. Many people teach their children about God the Father, about Jesus their Savior, but not many believe in teaching them about the Holy Spirit. I think this is something that we should strive to do, as Jesus Himself said that apart from the Father (also meaning his Holy Spirit), He could do nothing. The Holy Spirit was the one who enabled Jesus to do all the things He did and He is the same Spirit that helps us follow Jesus, it is so very important to teach our children about Him!

Pentecost is coming up this weekend, we have been having services with our Pastor speaking about Him, preparing our hearts to receive Him. But what about our children? we can't leave them behind thinking they will learn somehow on their own, we can't expect the children's Pastor to talk to them about it on Sunday and that that would be enough! it is our responsibility to do so! God told us to. (Deut. 11:18)

I looked and looked online and couldn't find anything I liked put together to teach them, so I came up with something myself and I want to share it with you, so that you will be encouraged to teach your little ones, sow seeds in their hearts, prepare their "land" and watch them bloom.

Craft materials:

1. craft paper, any color you want for the band
2. tape
3. red or orange craft paper for the flame
4. child scissors
5. red marker
6. brushes and paint (optional) or crayons to color inside the flame.

* Before you begin, read Acts chapter 2, the story of Pentecost, explain to them what happened that day, make it interesting, blow wind on them, etc.

* Introduce the memory verse: Acts 1:8
"And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you"
(my boys loved the "power" part:)

1. Cut bands the size of their heads
2. give them extra bands to cut themselves so they feel they are making their own, I do this because my kids are 3 & 5 but if yours are older then they wouldn't need as much help.
3. let them write their name or whatever they want on their bands, they can paint, color them, etc. They can also write Acts 1:8 verse (our memory verse)
4. on orange paper, draw with red marker the flames, you can draw them however you like and cut them out (or they can cut them out)
5. let them color or paint inside the flame and when done, help tape the flame to the band and then tape the band together to the size of their heads and put it on them.
6. while all of this is happening I am talking to them about the Holy Spirit and what all this means. Make sure you repeat the memory verse at the end several times with hand motions, like when it says receive, power, etc. You can even sing a song about the Holy Spirit if you like.

That is it for today, my kids attention span is short, specially my 3 year old boy, 10-15 min and he is done! they both really enjoyed it though. It's simple and easy, doesn't have to be complicated! you are getting the Word in them and that's what matters.

Tomorrow, we will review the story, our memory verse and color this free printable online:


There are so many free printables if you just google "Pentecost coloring" that gives you better results than typing "pentecost printables" for some reason.

There is also a really cute short video on youtube, my boys are visual so they loved this, here is the link:
and here is another that goes along with it:

You can reinforce the memory verse everyday and talk about who the Holy Spirit is and how he works today, when your children encounter teaching about Pentecost on Sunday (or on Shabbat) they will know what's going on and it won't be new, their hearts will be ready and prepared for whenever the Holy Spirit chooses to baptize them or show Himself to them in His own special ways, He longs to be in our children's lives and it is our responsibility to facilitate the encounter. Now, I know not everyone believes in the gift of tongues, but to those who do, make sure you explain to them what this gift means, my sons were so excited to know they can have their own special language given by the Holy Spirit, they are expectant and I know our Precious Lord will baptize them when He knows they are ready, but I am simply preparing their little homes. Our children have heard dad and I pray like this, it's not new to them, they have already asked about it as it sounds different, we believe it is good that they hear us pray in english, spanish and also in our Heavenly language.

I hope this is helpful to you in your journey as you teach your children about the most important person of all. :)

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.

Deut. 11:18-20

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The real battle: Exposing the Hidden Holocaust.

Have you ever thought of all the baby boys and girls that are being aborted in China because of their one child policy? it is true and it is happening right now! I dare say millions of souls are being aborted simply because the enemy has lied to them, also the lie about boys being better for their families, the same is happening now in India, where the ratio of girls vs boys is crazy low, look it up, and it continues to decline drastically, and what's going to happen in 100 years from now? No, I won't go that far, what is happening NOW, is that little girls are being kidnapped by families of boys to preserve them for their sons, because in the future, their sons won't have women to marry! they will begin turning towards each other, and homosexuality has risen in the last decade for the same reason. This is the real battle, friends, gendercide. It's not about who gets who, not about bragging rights, it's about souls, abortion is murder and sin and the enemy loves to steal and destroy souls, if he can destroy them before they are even born, even better, then the possibility of missionaries, Pastors, evangelists and apostles will be cut off, if he can destroy the idea of what family means and why God wants families to grow, then he has also won a battle. If he can destroy women's view of themselves and how valuable they are at home and their calling to motherhood, he has won another battle. Society has everything upside down and we suffer for it. People say "why do they get pregnant then if they know this policy? it's their fault" and I disagree, not every pregnancy is controlled, and murder is murder no matter what. Our innate desire to have children, and more than one child is a God given desire! it comes from Him because he loves children and his enemy hates them, so he is killing them.

Let's speak up for those who cannot. Let us not turn a deaf ear to the suffering of the world, let us be the hands and feet and voice of Jesus.

Please watch:


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Boys vs girls. Is the gender battle real? there's a greater one happening...


That hits home for me, for obvious reasons, because I adore my sons and now every time someone makes a comment while we're out and about I say with a smile "yes, I'm busy and I'm training warriors! God thought I was tough enough!" Almost always, I get a smile back with almost a sigh of relief that they'd see a mom full of little men who's actually happy about it. Maybe I didn't get the memo on being ungrateful for healthy sons?

I have had all kinds of comments, from strangers but also from family members who weren't thinking about what they were saying. From "you've got your hands full", "all boys?! You poor thing!" And my favorite after finding out Gabriel was a boy "another boy? Oh, honey, I'm sorry, maybe next time" (did she just apologize?!) or how about "aw, bummer...maybe next time you can try harder for a girl". Uh, yes, I was told those things while pregnant, while carrying LIFE, not just a gender. I remember holding my belly tight after those comments and telling him "I love you so much Gabriel! I want you!" And oh, how I adore that curly headed boy, I don't know what I'd do without any of them. I think it's also the reason I wanted to protect my third baby from any outsider comment and I loved my child no matter who I was carrying inside, and I don't regret not finding out with the ultrasound.
Yep. True stories. We gotta think before you speak, don't we?. Or how about making comments about women who have all girls? "Aw, I bet you feel incomplete without a son" (of course not!) or how about adoption? "Is he/she yours?" (Of course they are!) Or perhaps to those who've miscarried, "I'm sorry that happened, but they're better in heaven than here" (seriously?!) also, the famous comments made to women expecting baby #5,6,7+ "uh, geez, don't you all know what causes this? There's a pill for that" that is a horrible thing to say. EVERY child is a blessing from God. Sons and daughters equal.
Sadly, all that happens way too often.
Of course it would be nice to have daughters, I'm not saying I wouldn't want them if that's what The Lord wants, but I love my sons and I feel protective of them, they are and have been very wanted by us! I trust The Lord, He decides what is best for our family, not me, I fully trust Him on that one. So, next time you find out someone is expecting a baby, please! simply congratulate them and understand that children are a blessing from God, not a burden or a gender trophy to display. They are tough work! Lol, it takes warriors to shape the arrows God gives for the quiver (if you've never read that verse in the Bible, go read it pronto! Psalm 127), it takes a leader to be able to sharpen those arrows so they can be sent into the Kingdom with a target, with knowledge of their purpose and calling and an understanding on destroying their enemy. That is why God wants children and commanded us to fill the earth, to build His Kingdom for His glory, but apparently with the average sized Christian family of 2 kids vs the Muslim womb (which is their weapon, so they call it) average of 4.5 per family, we're not getting it...and we have become deaf to truth and too comfortable, why is God's Bride following worldly advice and being selfish with her body? Why does she not want to carry and birth the souls her husband so desperately wants to give her? why does she have such a hard time submitting to the Holy Spirit's desires? He longs to give her not only spiritual sons and daughters but also earthly ones. The natural comes before the spiritual, perhaps that's why we aren't harvesting all those spiritual sons and daughters we strive for! Would you like to know where the true battle lies? have you ever thought of all the baby girls that are being aborted in China because of their one child policy and how they prefer to have boys? it is true and it is happening right now! I dare say millions of souls are being aborted simply because the enemy has lied to them about boys being better for their families, the same is happening now in India, where the ratio of girls vs boys is crazy low, look it up, and it continues to decline drastically, and what's going to happen in 100 years from now? No, I won't go that far, what is happening NOW, is that little girls are being kidnapped by families of boys to preserve them for their sons, because in the future, their sons won't have women to marry! they will begin turning towards each other, and homosexuality has risen in the last decade for the same reason. This is the real battle, friends. It's not about who gets who, not about bragging rights, it's about souls, abortion is murder and sin and the enemy loves to steal and destroy souls, if he can destroy them before they are even born, even better, then the possibility of missionaries, Pastors, evangelists and apostles will be cut off, if he can destroy the idea of what family means and why God wants families to grow, then he has also won a battle. If he can destroy women's view of themselves and how valuable they are at home and their calling to motherhood, he has won another battle. Society has everything upside down and we suffer for it.

No, I'm not talking about contraception or that everyone should have 19 kids and counting and have their own show, haha, that's a whoooole'nother story, so I don't wish to get into that can'o worms. I do not wish to hurt or offend anyone who decided to have 1-2 children or even those who have decided to wait for a few years, I don't know your motives, reasons or heart, I cannot judge you and will not do that.
To those who cannot conceive or continue to lose babies, I in no way mean to offend or hurt with all of this, I believe God is in complete control and only He knows why that happens and I wish I had the answer for you. I can only offer my prayers and hugs. 

I am amazed at how God changes someone's heart...from being a "driven-me a stay at home mom? Never!- unsatisfied-I only want 2 kids so I can go out do my own thing for God" to who I am now, God knows what will make your heart satisfied and rejoice if you let your heart be soft and not hard to his teachings and his loving and gentle breakings. Last Sunday, while signing a song at Church that said "you've restored the joy of my Salvation" it hit me, revelation hit me, I stood there and tears fell. I realized that Jesus restored the joy of my salvation by simply restoring my identity as a woman, by showing me through His Word and mentors that I don't even know in person, what He says about women, about mothers, about His desire for my life, it's all in there! once my eyes were opened and I laid down my life, my dreams, my desires; my joy was restored, my hope renewed and my heart soared! I don't have to fight for a spot in this world, I am hidden in Christ. I don't have to prove my strength to anyone, I am strongest when I let Him work through my weaknesses! And this is a message that now burns in my heart for all women, specially younger women, I can only hope one day I will be used to encourage others. This is right now, my favorite verse: Titus 2:4, because we need more mothers in the Faith as much as we need Fathers for men! we need more mature women to teach the younger ones how to be godly wives and mothers, we don't have enough. 

Sorry if I kind of rambled, lol, hope it made sense. I guess I had a lot to share!

Thank you for reading! 

With much love,
The fruitful mama. 

PS if this post makes you upset, please be gracious and let me know, I will promptly apologize. I wish to hurt no one.

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from Him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior,
are children born in one's youth.
Blessed is the man
who's quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their opponent in court.
Psalm 127:3-5

Has not the one God made you? 
You belong to him in body and spirit. 
And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring.
Malachi 2:15

Friday, May 16, 2014

Much more than just a body.

Today I watched a clip of this documentary that's being made, it's called "Embrace". The woman who is producing it is asking for financial help so that this film can be made, and I sure hope it does! We need more films like this one:

Did you watch the preview?? :)

Beauty goes so much farther than our bodies...
I don't have daughters, but that doesn't mean my sons aren't watching what I do, what I eat or listen to what I say about myself. I used to talk down to myself all the time, but because of them (and by God's grace), I have changed. I still hear those nagging thoughts in my head sometimes when I'm infront of a mirror, but I have learned to throw them out and instead say something like "I am much more than what I can see, and I am wonderfully and fearfully made by a loving God!" Believe me, it has changed my heart and mind so much by speaking this instead of "ugh, oh man I hate this or that part", I'm certainly not perfect and sometimes I still struggle and have bad days, hormonal days, like every other woman out there ;) but I try my best to stay on top of it and submit my emotions to Christ. 
I am very aware of my flaws, believe me, I am...but I'm also aware of how much I'm loved by God and how He delights in me when He hears me loving myself and not hating what He created with such devotion, sure, we live in a fallen world and experience pain and imperfections, things like genetic diseases and all that, but that's why we are supposed to take care of the temple we have been given for a time and do the best we can on earth with it, I also understand things happen to us that were out of our control that affect our health (but that's another post, getting off track here!) I am aware of my strength and my qualities, I'm aware that this body is only temporary and not eternal, I will be given a new one that won't decay like this one, I'll be given a body that won't be weary or suffer sickness and pain, and most importantly, I'm aware that how I treat myself no longer affects just me, but it greatly affects the little people who watch me all day.
I don't want my sons to see a mom who is worried about what she looks like or about her weight or size, I want them to see a mom who loves herself the way God made her and who is healthy and active because she likes to have fun with them, who feeds them well and eats well herself not because of what she wants to look like but because she wants to be healthy and around with energy because she loves them. I want them to see a woman who loves God and shows beauty in her character because I can only hope that one day they would seek that out in their future wives and not only the outward appearance. 

Today while at the store, my 5 year old saw a little girl walk by and said "that girl is not pretty, mommy" and I knew that was a moment for a lesson on true beauty. I want that for my sons. That is my prayer, that they would see with God's eyes, the one who looks at the heart.  

"People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7

Love your neighbor as you love yourself...
But how can we love others if we hate ourselves? It's simply not possible.

Love yourself, mama. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.



Thursday, April 24, 2014

Her name was Destinee.

Today I went to Walmart for some groceries, while I was checking out I noticed the cashier's name was Destinee, so after paying and loading the bags into the cart I say "your name is Destinee, huh? God sure has a destiny for you" her eyes got big and she said "uh, what was that??" She looked surprised and totally not expecting that, so I told her "yes, God says He's got a plan for you, plans not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future. It says it in Jeremiah 29:11" she said "oh wow, thank you, I got goosebumps, thank you! Where is that again?" I said "Jeremiah 29:11, don't forget! Jeremiah 29:11!" She said "oh I won't! I'ma look it up tonight!" 
Her countenance had changed, she was hopeful, she was smiling. 

Sometimes I hesitate so much on throwing out simple words of encouragement like that, sometimes it's prophecy, but isn't prophecy also to encourage and edify? Sure is. 
Believers "prophecy" more often than they realize...and if not, we sure ought to! I hesitate to notice and say simple things like what I told her, but perhaps she really needed to be encouraged today and know that God does have a destiny for her, a purpose and that she's not forgotten. So many of us could use a daily dose of encouragement, right? Be His voice, His feet, His hands, if not, who else? 

We prophecy negative words way too much, specially over ourselves (like "I hate myself, just look at me!") and our future (like "I'm never gonna get a job! I'm not good at anything!) words of worry, anxiety and fear, it needs to become a habit to speak life and not death. What if we started saying things like "I know I'm not perfect, but I'm beautiful to God so I'm gonna love myself too" or "I am good at many things, I can and will get a job!" Or "I will choose not to fear, but I will speak to that giant to move and it will in Jesus' name!" What if that was the ONLY way we could think and speak? How do you think it would affect our lives?! Our thinking, our attitude and even the people around us, how would it affect the people around us if we could only speak positively about other people as well and never judgmentally? 

Being His hands requires knowing and believing your hands can be used. Being his feet requires knowing and believing He wants to send YOU. Being His voice to your generation requires knowing and believing that He wants to speak through you. It requires FAITH, and it's not for the weak, although He is our strength, He commands us to not be afraid so many times, it requires action from our part, not a passive attitude. 

Have Faith to believe He wants to use YOU today to encourage someone else. 

Will you pray with me? 
Lord, I know I am not perfect, but I know you can use me, please cleanse my heart so that I can be used, cleanse my hands so that I can touch the broken hearted, cleanse my life so that I can be the example I long to be everywhere I go for you. Shine through me. Give me the courage and boldness I need to speak into someone's life today, I want to believe. Thank you for believing in me too!  

Here am I, Lord, send me. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

That's all I want you to know...

Laundry. Piles of laundry in the living room waiting for me to come to the rescue.

Today has been a normal day, a busy-full of kids type of day, you know those types of days, don't you? when it seems like you can't catch your breath or take a break for a minute type of day.

I managed to lower my 9 month old's crib so he doesn't stand there holding on to the rail screaming at me anymore to get him out, clearly he is tired and today, thankfully, he fell asleep 5 minutes after putting him down, I came downstairs and his older brothers were ready to go play outside with their neighbor friend. Then, there was silence, silence?! silence in the living room!! just me and piles of laundry. So I put my playlist on my phone to play while I begin folding the laundry and I think  "Lord, I finally get a break, I'd love to spend time with you right now but I'm busy, I mean, look at all these clothes waiting to be folded, and nobody else is gonna do it but me, sorry, I'm sure you can wait"

Then the right song came up, my favorite song. You know, that song that hits your heart every time, as if it had been played on purpose? "Amazed" by Jared Anderson came up, and there, in the middle of the living room, the unfolded socks fell out of my hands and I broke down in tears, in the middle of the living room, with nobody else to watch, to crawl on me, to rescue from falling over, to ask for a snack or go potty. There, I was hit by God's presence and I could do nothing else but stand and open my arms raised to Him, my mind was racing with all kinds of complaints like "oh God, I'm tired, please give me your heart, let me love the way you do, give me the patience you have, I need you desperately, I fail so many times, I don't even get dates with my husband, I need friends to go out with! I fail in so many areas of my life! I can't rest!" and then He just said:

"I LOVE YOU. I love you, I do. That's all I want you to know right now. I love you"

Jesus swept me off my feet only the way He knows how. He didn't have to make a bunch of promises, I just stood there receiving His love thinking "yeah, the clothes can wait, I'm the one who can't afford to wait to receive from Jesus when I have the chance to"

I want you to know that you are loved. I want you to know you are enough, you are special, you are the apple of His eye. He sees you, every part of you, the loneliness, the flaws, the insecurities, the sin...and He STILL loves you, deeply, every part of you. If I still love my child even when he's a stinker who disobeyed or who just keeps whining all the time (like I can whine to God, those pity parties are awful, aren't they?), how much more the Father loves us! He is the perfect Father, so patient, so loving, so kind and merciful.

Ephesians 3:18-20 says:

I pray that Christ will live in your hearts by faith and that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. And I pray that you and all God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love—how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is. Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with the fullness of God. With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.

And this is my same prayer for you today, and for me too! that we would know how much He loves us, not just in our heads because the Bible says so, but deep in our hearts and spirits, how deep is His love for us and that the rest doesn't really matter! Receive the pouring of His love today, a glass of fresh water in the midst of your desert, at any chance you may get, in the middle of the day while folding laundry, in the morning with your coffee, at night before bed, at any time, He is there, ALWAYS present.

And guess what? the baby slept, the kids played outside, the laundry got done and I even had time to come share it with you. Someone out there needs this, I know someone does!

Sometimes, knowing God loves you is all you need to know. 

I hear my is awake now, the kids just came running in, perfect timing and time for me to go! :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Fruity. Who, me?

It's kind of hard to start writing what's in your head and allow it to make sense, it's something that I need to practice, it's an art. My husband is the writer, the professional one, and he's really good, he'd probably read my first post ever and might tell me I need to add this, change that or delete something over there. I'm not a blogger, maybe I'll become a really good one, who knows?! at this point in life, I hope this not only becomes inspiring to many but relaxing to me, with 3 small children under 5, who's got time to sit down with a cup of tea and blog? I might not write often, but hopefully keep it up with posts short and sweet, just what busy moms may need, right? a daily boost of something sweet, chocolate anyone?...see how easily I get distracted?!

On to the fruity deal. I wanted to start out telling you why I picked this name: The fruitful mama. What comes to mind? Does a Church-ey lady followed by 12 kids come to mind? :)

According to, the definition of Fruitful is:
adjective 1.producing good results; beneficial; profitable: fruitful investigations. 2. abounding in fruit, as trees or other plants; 3. bearing fruit abundantly producing an abundant growth, as of fruit: fruitful soil; fruitful rain.
The google search of the word even brings out "fertile"

The Merriam-Webster defines Fruity as someone strange or crazy. Thought I'd throw that in there for ya!

Now, what does Jesus say about being Fruitful? well, there are so many verses we could share and I'm sure you know several, but I will give you two of the most popular ones:

Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply (or increase in number); fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

In John 15:5, Jesus says:
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

The Bible also tells us that we will know people by their fruits. What is He talking about?

Galatians 5:22 says: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Are we supposed to have the fruit of the Spirit of God in our lives? I believe so! if not, it would simply show where are hearts are at, and that could mean full blown chaos and a mess, wouldn't it? an unsettled, anxious, bitter, jealous, angry, unforgiving heart, etc.etc, who wants that? surely, no mom wants to model that for her children either.

Why did I choose this name then? well, because in this season I am in right now, God has been speaking to my heart about the high calling of motherhood and how I am like a tree that is to bear fruit, not only children as that is His will for my life and He delights in women having children, but to bear fruit of His Spirit in my home, to grow like a strong tree planted firmly on His Word under the protection of the head of my home, my husband, and covering my children with my deep thick leaves, unmovable and strong, a tree that is not moved by any waters or winds of this world and a tree my sons can hold on to when they are weak, a tree they can run to for shade and rest, a tree where they can sit under and learn from the Creator. I want to be that fruitful mama, I strive to be loving and not spiteful, full of joy and not full of anger, peaceful and not anxious and worried all the time about everything, patient and not stressed about the smallest things, kind and not mean, good and not evil, faithful and not impure, gentle and not harsh, self-controlled and not a glutton. I want to be that mom, and if that means that sometimes I will have to be fruity, crazy and strange, running the race against all the patterns and beliefs of this unstable world, then so be it. I will be fruity!

I can only pray and hope that along this journey of a young mother, you'd be encouraged too and that we could grow together in the Spirit towards a very fruitful life, pursuing God and all that He has for us, whatever it may be, wherever He may take us. I know that in the last few years of my life, God has truly changed my heart in so many ways, I am making life changing decisions that I never thought I'd be taking, but I know that He knows what is best not only for me but for my little ones. It has been hard living out a dream that wasn't necessarily mine but His, I am living a life that I didn't dream of, but I wouldn't change a thing! how little do we know and how silly we can be. It's been a hard road of dying to self and to the dreams I had and thought were best for me, me, me; but it was never about me, it's about Him, and I want to obey him. He has taken me down a path that I didn't think I'd be on, but if I was allowed to go back and choose again, I would choose this one without any doubts!

Becoming a wife and mother in today's society holds little value, and now I know deep inside it's not true, that God thinks of mothers so so highly and tells us we are not just simple moms who can birth kids, we are Kingdom warriors, soul winners and disciple teachers. We have been entrusted with little souls who one day, with our help, be molded into the arrows they were meant to be, arrows who have a target, warriors who know how to fight and destroy the enemy, little women who know their worth and value and become mothers themselves. Serving at home IS important, let no one tell you otherwise!

I know that God loves it when we bear much fruit for His glory, when we multiply what small strength and love we might have, and mama, He delights even in the smallest details of motherhood, like changing diapers and every nose wiped, I KNOW some days are harder than others and sometimes we are plain tired and grumpy and want to run out the door to be alone, but we can always run to the Father who's joy is our strength! He absolutely loves how he made women and our purpose. To be fruitful and multiply!

In which ways would you be more encouraged on a daily basis to pursue fruitfulness?